How to submit a proposal
The proposal organizer is responsible for submitting all of the proposal information on behalf of the full panel. If you have organized a panel session, please make sure to collect the information from your speakers prior to beginning your application. The organizer/submitter is the only person with access to the proposal.
Organized Panel Proposals
The following information is required for each proposal:
- Session Title
- Session Abstract (no more than 250 words)
- Information for each speaker on the session (Name, email address, affiliation, rank, gender, country of residence).
- Paper Title and Paper Abstract for each paper presentation (minimum 3 titles, maximum 5 titles).
- Scheduling Conflicts (please also be prepared to note any scheduling conflicts for any of the speakers on the panel)
Still have questions about this format? View samples of the format from the 2023 program
All proposals must include the following:
- Session Title
- Session Abstract (350 word maximum)
- Speaker information (Name, email address, affiliation, rank, gender, country of residence).
Proposal Applications
- All proposals must be submitted using the electronic application.
- You may begin a proposal and save and return to make edits at anytime before the posted deadline.
- Only the submitter of the proposal can view and make edits to a proposal
Step by step instructions – Submission Portal
Please refer to the PDF documents below for assistance in submitting a proposal using the application system.
Organized Panel Submission Step-by-Step Instructions.pdf
Roundtable Sessions Step-by-Step Instructions.pdf