Call for proposals


On behalf of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) and Universitas of Gadjah Mada, we are pleased to invite you to the 2024 AAS-in-Asia Conference to be held between the 9th and 11th of July 2024 at Universitas of Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The Program Committee seeks organized panels and roundtable session proposals on […]

Preparing Your AAS-in-Asia Panel Proposal

“Preparing Your AAS-in-Asia Panel Proposal” will introduce the AAS-in-Asia Call for Proposals (CFP) and de-mystify this often-intimidating process. AAS Director of Special Initiatives Krisna Uk will provide viewers with an overview of submission guidelines, discuss how the Program Committee carries out its work, and respond to audience questions. This Digital Dialogue is open to all (both […]

Film Screening and Discussion

Djarum Auditorium Pertamina Tower Building 6th Floor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jalan Sosio Humaniora, Karang Malang, Caturtunggal, Kecamatan Depok, Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Year: 2021 Duration: 30 minutes Director: Tonny Trimarsanto Synopsis: The film narrates the experiences of Farah, a 40-year-old transwoman from Bandung, West Java, who is living with HIV/AIDS and faces physical disabilities. Despite her numerous vulnerabilities, Farah actively participates in social initiatives and supports others in the Bandung community who are living with HIV/AIDS. This […]